Thursday, January 4, 2007

Tests on four noted MPs show they carry more chemical contaminants than average Canadians

Jan 4, 2007

The Globe and Mail

Why are politicians such a TOXIC lot?

Tests on four noted MPs show they carry more chemical contaminants than average Canadians



TORONTO -- Tests conducted on four prominent federal politicians, including Health Minister Tony Clement, have found that all of them carry trace levels of dozens of potentially dangerous pollutants in their bodies.

The testing, which was also done on NDP Leader Jack Layton, Environment Minister Rona Ambrose and Liberal environment critic John Godfrey, found a bewildering cocktail of contaminants. They all had residues from stain repellants, flame retardants and insecticides, among other deleterious substances.

The results came from an unusual chemical checkup organized by Environmental Defence, an activist group that had previously tested ordinary Canadians and found extensive contaminant burdens in everyone evaluated. Based on this finding, it challenged the elected leaders to see how they stacked up, and the four volunteered to do so.

For reasons that are unclear, the politicians had a significantly higher burden of chemical contaminants in their bodies than other Canadians the group has tested.

Rick Smith, executive director of Environmental Defence, said politicians may live in ways that expose them to more pollution."Maybe it's attributable to the unique lifestyles these guys lead," Mr. Smith said. "Politicians have a very strange, very stressful lifestyle that results in them grabbing a bite to eat when they can and eating a lot of junk food."

The results of the tests were released yesterday by Environmental Defence.

Blood and urine samples from the politicians were evaluated for the presence of 103 pollutants. These included the polybrominated diphenyl ethers used to make computers and mattresses more flame-resistant, the perfluorinated chemicals used to make Teflon-coated frying pans and fast-food wrappers, and DDT, the feared insecticide that was banned decades ago but is so persistent it is still circulating in the environment.

Of the quartet, Mr. Godfrey had the highest number of pollutants, at 55, but contaminants weren't a partisan political issue because the group was remarkably similar. Mr. Clement and Mr. Layton both had 54 each, and Ms. Ambrose had 49. All the politicians had mercury at more elevated levels than ordinary Canadians.

None of the individual contaminants found in the politicians were at levels viewed as dangerous, although some, such as flame retardants and non-stick chemicals, have only recently come under intense scientific scrutiny. Some types have recently been withdrawn from use because of health concerns.

Mr. Layton participated in the study because he wondered about his own burden of substances. "Frankly, I was curious. I suspected that I was probably well populated with the chemicals that you find in an urban area," he said. Mr. Layton had the highest levels of flame retardants of the four politicians.

Mr. Godfrey said the results show "no one is immune from picking up dangerous chemicals, no matter how healthy a lifestyle you lead."

The substances the politicians were tested for have been found to cause cancer, disrupt normal hormone function and lead to birth defects, among other problems. Each politician had a chemical profile as unique as a fingerprint.

Mr. Godfrey, for instance, carried the highest level of organophosphate pesticides, and his readings were 45 times higher than Ms. Ambrose, who had the lowest levels. She, by contrast, had the highest arsenic levels, which were nearly four times higher than Mr. Godfrey's.

Both Ms. Ambrose and Mr. Clement issued statements on their contaminant levels lauding actions the minority Conservative government has taken to reduce this type of pollution, such as a decision late last year to fast-track safety evaluations for 200 chemicals in widespread use that had never been given detailed study.

Mr. Smith said regulators in Canada and elsewhere currently do not perform health assessments on whether the dozens of chemicals people have in their bodies interact with each other, something he contends is a major oversight.

However, some people play down the risks, contending that the chemical burdens in the politicians would have to be far higher to have adverse health effects.

"Just because you find something doesn't mean it's doing anything. It's a question of amounts," said Dr. Joe Schwarcz, director of McGill University's Office for Science and Society in Montreal.

Mr. Smith said the politicians were privately taken aback when they saw the results and found they had detectible levels of so many chemical pollutants. "They were surprised as heck by the results," he said.

He said this is a typical reaction because most people view themselves as health-conscious about food and exercise, but the pollutants have become so ubiquitous in the environment they're almost impossible to avoid.

"There is still this tendency to say, 'Well, I go to the gym every day, I watch what I eat,' " he said. "What these results reinforce is how completely pervasive these pollutants are and that no one in this country is so powerful that they can escape the effects of this pollution."

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Friends of the Frost AGM

Friends of the Frost Centre AGM
Saturday, January 10, 2007, 10:00am,
Kinmount Community Centre

Please attend if you can! (details below)

Dear Friends and Colleagues

On behalf of the Friends of the Frost Centre I would like to thank you for supporting our bid to operate the Frost Centre. Your interest, words of encouragement, your attendance at the community forum, your donations, and/or your membership gave us the will and courage to prepare a strong proposal. We are proud of what we accomplished presenting the government with an option that would have provided affordable and accessible programs for a wide variety of learners, helped achieve some of the government’s own strategic priorities, and served the local community in significant ways. Contrary to what has been reported in the media, our proposal was not about opening the Centre as it was; it offered, by necessity, a new way of doing things. We are, of course, disappointed that we were not the successful bidder; we gave it our best shot. That said, it is now time to look to the future.

On Saturday, January 6, 2007, at the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Frost Centre, the future of the organization will be decided. Some options that will be considered include the following:

1. Continuing as a cooperating association to support, enhance and offer affordable environmental education programs to a wide range of learners and to support other environmental initiatives in the Frost Centre area;

2. Changing to a community foundation for environmental and heritage education that would develop and offer learning programs and services, and support learning initiatives in the Haliburton and/or Muskoka area;

3. Transforming into a community foundation to serve other community needs; or

4. Dissolve as an organization and forfeit our charitable status.

Obviously, all options except 4 require ongoing community support and participation.

If you are interested in helping to shape the future of the Friends of the Frost Centre,
we invite you to attend our AGM at the Kinmount Community Centre,
(2 Dickson Street, Kinmount, Ontario)
on January 6 at 10:00am.
Only members will be allowed to vote.
For more information or to sign up as a member please visit , call 1-877-892-9955 or 705-754-3436 or email

If you are unable to attend the AGM, please feel free to share your thoughts/preferences on the above options before January 5th. Should we decide on one of the first three options we will need members to serve on the Board of Directors. If you are interested please let us know.

Thank you again for all of your support.

Max Radiff


Friends of the Frost Centre

Friends of the Frost Centre
P.O. Box 1002,
Minden, ON
K0M 2K0
705-792-9955 / 877-892-9955