Thursday, April 30, 2009

Liberals vote to keep nuke loophole]

On Monday April 27th, Liberal members of the Ontario Legislature’s Committee on General Government voted down proposed amendments to the Green Energy Act put forward by the NDP’s Energy Critic, Peter Tabuns. These amendments would have eliminated special deals for nuclear projects by making it illegal for them to pass their capital cost overruns onto electricity consumers and taxpayers.

This means the government MPPs have voted to retain the biggest loophole in the Green Energy Act instead of acting in the spirit of the Act and ensuring a truly level playing field for renewable power projects.

Voting to retain special privileges for nuclear projects were Laurel Broten, Kuldip Kular, Bill Mauro, Carol Mitchell and (for one of two votes) Linda Jeffrey. Please contact these MPPs and ask them why they think nuclear power deserves better treatment than clean renewable power, especially in a Green Energy Act.

Please pass this message on to your friends.

Thank you.

Jessica Fracassi, Communications & Membership Director
Ontario Clean Air Alliance
402-625 Church St, Toronto M4Y 2G1
Phone: 416-926-1907 ext. 245
Fax: 416-926-1601

The Ontario Clean Air Alliance is a diverse, multi-stakeholder coalition of approximately 90 organizations including cities, health associations, environmental and public interest groups, corporations, public utilities, unions, faith communities and individuals. The OCAA’s short term goal is to achieve the complete phase out of Ontario’s four coal-fired power plants by 2010. Our long term goal is to ensure that all of our electricity needs are met by ecologically sustainable renewable sources. Our partner organizations represent more than six million Ontarians.

Interested in volunteering with the OCAA? Please contact Angela Bischoff at, 416-926-1907 ext. 246.

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